Evaluation by experts

How we assess your child’s skills

Our expert assessor will set up an online meeting, do some testing in literacy and numeracy and have an informal chat about where your child’s skills are strongest and weakest.

Literacy assessment

While it’s natural to be concerned about how your child is tracking, we ensure that the assessment process is as stress-free as possible. We will check knowledge and skills in writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. This helps us establish a base line to identify your child’s current abilities.

Numeracy assessment

Our Maths whizz will work with your child to determine their current skill level in all the key areas of Mathematics. The program we create for your child aligns with the NSW Maths syllabus and is specifically tailored to ensure that their identified learning needs are met.

Marking guides

All our workbooks and other learning materials come with marking guidelines and answer keys, so you can keep track of your child’s progress throughout the year. It’s important that younger kids receive timely feedback to help them correct recurring errors in their work. Older students are quite capable of checking answers and marking their own work.

Jake, 16

When Jake came to us for a program, he was all set to put his feet up. Jake was under the false impression that home schooling simply meant staying home from school and taking it easy. Within the first term of his new program, Jake was offered paid work in aquaculture as part of the study program we designed for him. He is now studying at higher levels in Maths and Science than he ever dreamed possible, all while earning decent money, receiving on-the-job training and saving for the future.

Dominic, 12

Dominic's school friends were getting into vaping, and they were dragging him down a pathway that his family feared would lead to worse trouble. He was not keen to be home schooled, but with the right program, his parents were able to convince him to work with them by agreeing to spend just one term at home. He has never returned to school. Dominic was only ever interested in gaming when he was attending school. At home, it's all he would do. These days, Dominic has widened his interests. He's found he is a gifted mathematician and to fulfil his English course requirements writes popular film reviews on Reddit. Like so many students we see, Dominic just needed the right program to help him uncover his natural talents and explore other interests.